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Fine Art and Graphics

Fine Art

This is a highly creative and exciting course through which you will develop a portfolio of work to support a degree or career in architecture, fine art or any other design-related discipline. Students engage in a wide range of artistic tasks across drawing, painting, mixed media, sculpture, installation, photography and printmaking.

Find out more about what the A Level Fine Art course involves...(There is no sound in this video) 

Hear from one of our A-Level Fine Art students...


The graphics industry offers many exciting careers and this course will give you in-depth exposure to the different aspects of graphic communication. You will develop skills and understanding across a variety of visual disciplines, studying the work of contemporary artists and designers. Your ideas and designs will be produced using both traditional and new technologies.

Find out more about what the A Level Graphics course involves...(There is no sound in this video) 

Hear from our A-Level Graphics students..

For more information about A-Level Fine Art and A-Level Graphics, please click here to visit our department web page.

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