Visit us at our Open Evening on Wednesday 18th September, 5.30pm-7.30pm.

Click here to book your places

The principles of High Performance Learning (see more here) and our six core values underpin our approach to both teaching and teacher development. We strive to be at the forefront of evidence-informed education, continuously reflecting on our practice and working collaboratively to learn from, and with, colleagues in our networks to provide exceptional opportunities for our students and staff.

Great teaching framework

Our framework outlines our shared understanding of the components of great teaching, underpins our quality assurance and acts as a ‘curriculum’ for continued professional development.


Assessment & feedback to move learning on

  • Knowledge & understanding are systematically and effectively checked in lessons, teaching is responsive.
  • Assessment & feedback are meaningful, manageable, motivating and inform teachers' planning.
  • Students have opportunities to reflect on their learning and thinking.
  • Learning is moved forward with clear feedback and next steps.


High Performance Learning Culture

  • Students are deliberately taught 'how to behave' as learners.
  • Students are able to thrive in a positive, collaborative environment where curiosity, confidence and resilience are fostered through relationships characterised by care, respect and kindness.
  • Students and teachers work together in a climate of high expectations, where the most is made of every minute of every lesson.
  • Lessons have a sense of pace, students take risks with their learning, see mistakes as part of the process and celebrate both endeavour and achievement.


High quality explanations & effective instruction

  • Knowledge and skills are broken down into component parts and communicated clearly, concisely and effectively.
  • New ideas are connected to what has previously been learned to help students build connections and embed their learning.
  • Instructions are clear and students know exactly what to do.


Subject expertise: knowledge & pedagogy

  • Planned sequences of lessons are underpinned by teachers’ deep knowledge and understanding of the subject domain, curriculum design and pedagogical approaches to building students’ learning over time.
  • Misconceptions are anticipated, identified and remedied.
  • Teachers and students are intellectually curious about their subjects and the learning process.


Developing & activating hard thinking

  • Students are deliberately taught 'how to think'.
  • Students have opportunities to practise, rehearse and apply their learning fluently.
  • Students move beyond knowledge acquisition, thinking flexibly and critically.
  • Students are increasingly able to plan, monitor and regulate their learning.
  • All students are able to access activities supported by (gradually reducing) scaffolding of tasks.
  • Learning is embedded in students’ long-term memory.

Continued Professional Development & Learning(CPDL)

“If we can create a culture where every teacher believes they need to improve, not because they are not good enough, but because they can be even better, there is no limit to what we can achieve”. Dylan Wiliam.

The latest research into teacher effectiveness informs our professional learning strategy at WKGS, focusing on both the content and the mechanisms of teacher development. As we increasingly understand more about how learning happens, we apply this to our professional learning too.

Professional Learning Communities meet half-termly with a focus on sharing great practice and developing opportunities for students to learn ‘how to think’ and ‘how to behave’ as part of our teaching.

Subject teams meet regularly to work collaboratively on curriculum development and subject specific CPDL linked to department development plans.

Bespoke CPDL opportunities from our CPDL ‘menu’ below:




