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Spanish Exchange

The Spanish Department resumed 2019’s successful student exchange with our partner secondary school, IES Garcilaso de la Vega a mixed secondary school located in Torrelavega, a town in Cantabria in northern Spain:

The Spanish Exchange presents students with a unique opportunity to improve their spoken Spanish and see Spanish daily life at first hand.  Students from Calday Grammar School collaborated with us and students were accompanied by teaching staff from West Kirby Grammar School and Calday Grange Grammar School. The Spanish students hosted their English partners and a programme of events was organised during the school day for the visiting students. 

The students visited Santander, experienced a day at the Altamira Museum, an exact replica of the Altamira Caves with Palaeolithic cave paintings. They took part in a workshop in which they learned how to make and throw spears to hunt deer and bison.  This was followed by a visit to Santillana del Mar. During their visit they also visited El Soplao, a site of great geographical importance, and the beautiful Santillana del Mar and the Parque Naturaleza de Carbaceno.