A-Level Results - 2018
Students at West Kirby Grammar School are once again celebrating outstanding A-level results. 100% of students gained three or more qualifications, with close to a third of all grades being the top A*/A grades and over 85% of all grades awarded being A*-C. Over 80% of grades in maths, computing, fine art, art textiles, theatre studies and film studies were A*-B,and the highly esteemed A* grade was achieved by almost 15% of students in chemistry, maths, geography, fine art and product design.
23 students achieved straight A*/A grades in all three or four of their subjects studied and are off to study a variety of courses including a large number studying medicine at Birmingham, King’s College London, Nottingham and Sheffield universities. Students are also studying dentistry at Sheffield, veterinary science at Liverpool and law at Exeter. Others are excited to be pursuing Oxbridge courses such as languages at Cambridge, while English literature atSheffield and History at UCL add to the variety of courses chosen. The diversity of destinations also includes Loughborough to study textiles, Durham for courses such ascomputing and biosciences, and Birmingham to study chemical engineering, plus Leeds for international history and politics. Others are pursuing courses such as pharmacy at Queen’s Belfast, biomedical science at both Cardiff and Bristol and sport and exercise science at Nottingham, in addition to chemistry at Lancaster and biology at Manchester universities.
Most students also completed the Cambridge Pre-University course Global Perspectives and Independent Research. Almost a quarter of all students achieved a distinction, equivalent to grade A*/A, and 88% of students achieved merits or distinctions, equivalent to A*-B grades. This additional qualification has made WKGS students stand out from the crowd.
At WKGS, students are encouraged to pursue a wide range of future pathways and we are delighted that students have chosen varied courses such as journalism, criminology, landscape architecture and art foundation. Others are embarking on apprenticeships with Airbus, in schools, and in the paralegal field, whilst some are taking up employment in areas including accountancy and fashion design. Students are also going on to study abroad andthis year, destinations include the Netherlands to study medicine and Germany to study geography.
We are incredibly proud of all of our students and wish them every success in the future!
If you think WKGS Sixth Form could be the place for you, please contact the school for more information.